The club has been playing bowls at the current site in Sandham Gardens since 1926. We still have the original changing room, that is still used on big occasions.

Our new clubhouse opened in 2016, We have a bar, kitchen, changing rooms/toilets including disabled a toilet and a central hall long enough for our 'short mat' winter season.
We can easily accommodate six rinks and up to 8 rinks ,with ample seating for spectators. Our green is disabled friendly with easy access, Manual and electric wheelchairs are available for use. We recommend you call to book.
We have our own car park, (off Fort Street). But remember that if you park there you MUST register your car as you enter the clubhouse, or risk a fine from the company that monitors it. When you become a paid member your registration will automatically be added to the system.

We play in both the ladies and men's county leagues, host touring teams, and play local, club and national competitions.
But if that's not your thing, you can just 'roll-up' with your friends or other club members .
Roll ups: Smart casua,l plus correct footwear
Club Competitions: Club shirt, Grey bottoms, correct footwear.. "Finals" Club shirt, White bottoms, correct footwear..
League Games : Speak with your team captain
Tourist Matches.: Club shirt, Grey or White bottoms, correct footwear(See club notice board)
Please respect our guests and team members by, turning off or put on silent all mobiles during the matches. Thank you
New members are very welcome at our friendly club. As are daily visitors, holidaymakers and tourist groups. Tea and coffee are also available to take away.